Bioinformatics Topics

The purpose of this material is to help the KI-BCC members teach KI researchers the skills they need to effectively use bioinformatics in their projects. We intend the instruction to be practical and modular so that people can quickly learn easily applicable methods. We also hope that the teaching materials will serve as effective and readily accessible reference material.

It is not our intent to create a link-dump that regurgitates internet search results.

The overall organization is difficult to perfect. However, getting it right at the start is not important because the underlying information is small modules that can be organized and re-packaged in any way that works.

The material has been organized with general headers followed by more specific sections and subsections. The general headers are basically Theory, Tools, Tasks.

The sections under the headers should highlight general topics and the sub-sections beneath them are the actual modules of instruction. It is perfectly acceptable for the same module of instruction to be placed in different parts of the structure.

There is a lot of room for improvement with this organization and suggestions or comments are welcome (send them to

Last updated

Massachusetts Institute of Technology