File Storage and Compression

  • quota

    • Luria has a disk usage quota on the head node. You can use the quota command to check what the size of the quota is and how much space you're currently using.

    • The -s flag will display the quota in a human-readable format. (e.g. 18K, 14M, 65G).

quota -s

Disk quotas for user asoberan (uid 247789): 
     Filesystem   space   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                  4391M  18432M    100G           24925       0       0        

# Space column shows how much space you're currently using on the head node
# Quota column is total amount of space allotted to you
  • du

    • Stands for "disk usage". Reports how much disk space a directory is taken up.

    • Defaults to displaying the disk usage in kilobytes, but passing it the -h flag will return disk usage in a human-readable format. (e.g. 18K, 14M, 65G).

    • Will search the entire depth of the Unix tree starting from the directory you give it. You can control the depth which it searches by passing the -d <num> flag.

# Displays the disk usage of every file under your home directory
# The last entry will be the disk usage of your entire home directory
du -h ~

# Displays the disk usage of every file and directory immediately
# under your home directory
du -h -d 1 ~

# Displays the disk usage of one file, file.txt
du -h file.txt
  • tar

    • Combines multiple files or directories into one archive for easy sharing. Similar to "zipping" files, however tar does not compress by default.

    • Create an archive by passing the -cf flags

    • Can compress multiple files/folders using gzip by passing the -z flag when creating a new archive.

    • Useful when you have files that take up a lot of space and you want to save space.

    • Extract an archive by passing the -xf flags. Un-compress an archive by passing the -z flag to those two flags.

# Create an archive of a directory and name it my_directory.tar
tar -cf my_directory.tar <directory>

# Create a compressed archive of a directory and
# name it my_compressed_directory.tar.gz
tar -cfz my_compressed_directory.tar.gz <directory>

# Extract archive my_directory.tar
tar -xf my_directory.tar

# Uncompress the archive my_compressed_directory.tar.gz
tar -xfz my_compressed_directory.tar.gz
  • zip

    • Zip multiple files and directories into one file. Zipping is similar to archiving with tar, but zipped files are easier to deal with on Windows machines.

# Zip a directory to the file
zip <directory>

# Unzip

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