You can "search/select" data by generating "boolean" arrays based on some criteria. This works by effectively generating a column of True/False values that Pandas uses to select particular rows (those that are true). There are a few ways to generate this true/false selection column.
Value-based selections
You provide a selection criteria for a particular column. Example:
# generates the true/false array
Is-in based selections
You provide a list of values you want to search for. Example:
# Edit the above to only get peptides with the motif 'SV' and only output interested columns
ms[ms['Peptide Modified Sequence'].str.contains('SV')][['Protein Preferred Name', 'Peptide Modified Sequence']]
# now let's try using "isin"
ms[ms['Protein Preferred Name'].isin(['RL27_ECOLI'])]