Running Images in Singularity
Singularity Commands
Singularity is packaged on Luria as an environment module, so you'll need to load the module in before invoking any Singularity commands. We'll also run these commands on an interactive session on a compute node so we don't spend the head node's resources.
Now, we can either have Singularity manage the image itself, or create the SIF file in our current directory. We'll do both in this exercise.
Let's run the same basic 'Hello, World!' command we did in Docker, again using the Debian Docker image:
Instead of run
, Singularity uses exec
to execute programs inside of a container. The image we provide is a Docker image, so we specify that to singularity by prepending the image name with docker://
. Singularity will look in Dockerhub for this image. Once it finds it, it will download the image, convert it to the SIF file format, place that SIF file in ~/.singularity
, then execute the given command in the container. Subsequent calls to use this image will use this downloaded image instead of downloading the image every time you want to use it.
To run an interactive session in Singularity, you could do something similar to what we did in Docker, where we simply execute bash
in the container.
However, Singularity has a built-in command to do this that makes the syntax much nicer.
Singularity automatically bind-mounts your user's home directory to the container, so you'll have access to your files like normal. However, your user's ~/data
folder is a symbolic link to /net/<storage server>
, which is not a directory inside of the Singularity container, so this symbolic link will be broken.
Like Docker, Singularity allows you to mount directories from your computer to inside the container. To get around the symbolic link issue when running the image from your home directory, you could simply mount the /net
directory on Luria to the /net
directory in your container. Since the /net
directory contains your lab's storage server and you're keeping the same name on the container, the symbolic link should work as normal.
SIF Files
So far, we've been letting Singularity manage images itself. However, we can also instruct Singularity to download the Docker image, create a SIF file from it, and let us handle this SIF file. We do this by using the pull
Now, instead of instructing Singularity to use the docker://debian
image, we can simply point it to the debian_latest.sif
file. This means a lab can make a directory of common Singularity images and lab members simply run these images instead of every lab member pulling their own image. This way is also faster than the previous method.
Running RStudio with Seurat Tools
Let's run the image we created earlier. There's a pre-built version of this image available on Dockerhub at asoberan/abrfseurat
Singularity has trouble interpreting symbolic links, and since the ~/data/
directory in a user's home directory is a symbolic link, we'll see issues when trying to run Singularity. To remedy this, we'll run the following command once we're in the ~/data/
This will change our directory to the full physical path of our current working directory. So we'll be in the same directory, but without following the symbolic link in our home directories.
Now, we can begin to run Singularity images. The Singularity program is packaged as an environment module on Luria, so you'll have to load it in first. To start an interactive session in a Singularity container, we use singularity shell <image>
. In this case, the image we'll be using is the asoberan/abrfseurat:latest-x86_64
image on Dockerhub, so we'll run the following:
This will begin pulling the Docker image, convert it to a SIF file, store it in ~/.singularity
, which is a symbolic link to <your lab storage server user directory>/singularity
, then run an interactive session on that image. Once it's done you'll have a shell session inside the image, and you'll be able to use the tools in the Singularity image. For example, you'll be able to use R:
However, we will not be able to run RStudio on the image as it stands. This is because RStudio needs to create particular settings and database files at locations in the filesystem which are read-only in the Singularity image. To fix this, we'll need to create these directories ourselves. Below is a script that does just that, while also running the RStudio server from the Singularity image:
Let's go through the script step-by-step to understand what it's doing.
This part of the script uses Python to creates a temporary directory that will be populated with directories to bind-mount in the Singularity container where writable file systems are necessary.
The latter portion of the script is making a file in the temporary directory, database.conf
, with the contents you see. These settings are used by RStudio to configure the database.
Here, the script makes another script in the temporary directory,
, with the contents you see. The script sets OMP_NUM_THREADS
to prevent OpenBLAS (and any other OpenMP-enhanced libraries used by R) from spawning more threads than the number of processors allocated to the job. Then it makes this script executable.
This portion sets a couple of environment variables. The environment variables which begin with SINGULARITY
will be used when we invoke the Singularity program, while the the environment variables which begin with SINGULARITYENV
will be accessed inside of the Singularity image.
is outlining the bind-mounts that should be created when we run the Singularity image. The bind-mounts are the temporary directories we made.
is setting the session timeout for RStudio. In this case, it's set not to suspend idle sessions.
is storing the user which will be used in RStudio. In this case it's ourselves.
is storing the password which will be used later in RStudio. The password is being generated using the random number generator built in to Linux.
is finding an unused port number and storing it for later usage.
This part of the script prints out information to the user so they can remember how to port-forward and what the login information for RStudio is.
This final piece is where Singularity actually runs the RStudio server program in asoberan/abrfseurat
using all of the configuration created earlier in the script.
Save this script somewhere on the cluster. Send it a compute node using Slurm. Then, read the contents of the Slurm output file and you'll receive instructions to port forward from your workstation in order to access RStudio at http://localhost:8787.
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