Data Management in GeneGO
The upper left panel of the Start Page hosts the data management functions.
Click the "Start Page" icon or your browsers "refresh" button to make sure that the displayed data is current.
Double-click the "Experiments" folder. You should see "ColonMet_Faked" inside the folder.
Right-Click on the My Data folder and select Create Folder... Create a folder called May1Training
Drag ColonMet_Faked into the new folder. Right-click on the original folder to delete. Note: folders can also be renamed.
Data can also be shared. Right-click on May1Training and select Share..., enter charliew and search. select username and click Add Selected to List. Note: Types of permissions can be controlled.
The lower left panel of the Start Page displays the active data. Active data is available for analysis and can be controlled by the Activate/Deactivate icon, right clicking or drag-and-drop.
Last updated