Data Management in GeneGO

  • The upper left panel of the Start Page hosts the data management functions.

  • Click the "Start Page" icon or your browsers "refresh" button to make sure that the displayed data is current.

  • Double-click the "Experiments" folder. You should see "ColonMet_Faked" inside the folder.

  • Right-Click on the My Data folder and select Create Folder... Create a folder called May1Training

  • Drag ColonMet_Faked into the new folder. Right-click on the original folder to delete. Note: folders can also be renamed.

  • Data can also be shared. Right-click on May1Training and select Share..., enter charliew and search. select username and click Add Selected to List. Note: Types of permissions can be controlled.

  • The lower left panel of the Start Page displays the active data. Active data is available for analysis and can be controlled by the Activate/Deactivate icon, right clicking or drag-and-drop.

Last updated