Multiple versions of various software packages are available on Versions are managed using module.
module commands
List available applications on the system:
Load an application so it can be used:
Specify version number of an application, e.g.
We recommend you always module add the version number so that you know which version of the software is used. Otherwise, a running application may generate different results or break when the software is upgraded in the future.
Note: some packages are available only after you load the python (for python packages) or jre (for java packages) modules. For example, compare the output of the following:
R and R packages - Various versions of R are installed on luria. Each one has a collection of associated packages. Execute the following commands taking note of the comment lines:
Once inside R, check out the available R packages
NOTE: Those package version numbers may not be consistent from month to month and can change without warning.
When working with R, capture your session info with the command below so you can reproduce the environment if needed:
quit R
Once back in the shell, view the R data that remains
List loaded applications:
Unload an application:
Print module help:
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