About Biopython
Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in python by an international team of developers. The tool is to "make it as easy as possible to use Python for bioinformatics by creating high-quality, reusable module and scripts." The source code is made available under the Biopython License, which is extremely liberal and compatible with almost every license in the world. Details refer Biopython Tutorial.
Some of the pricipal functions of biopython
A standard sequence class that deals with sequences, ids on sequences, and sequence features
Tools for performing common operations on sequences, such as translation, transcription and weight calculations
Code to perform classification of data using k Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes or Support Vector Machines
Code for dealing with alignments, including a standard way to create and deal with substitution matrices
Code making it easy to split up parallelizable tasks into separate processes
GUI-based programs to do basic sequence manipulations, translations, BLASTing,etc.
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