One-click Analysis Tab
Pathway Maps
Activate only the ColonMet_Faked experiment and select appropriate thresholds.
From the Start Page, select the One-click Analysis button and pick the Pathway Maps tool
Analysis will consider only the Pathway maps
It can be run on multiple experiments as well.
Map Folders
Activate only the ColonMet_Faked experiment and select appropriate thresholds.
From the Start Page, select the One-click Analysis button and pick the Map Folders tool
Analysis will consider functionally related Pathway Map groups resulting in alteration of scoring and statistics.
It can be run on multiple experiments as well.
Clicking on a result folder leads to a results page displaying data for the composite Pathway Maps
Process Networks
Activate only the ColonMet_Faked experiment and select appropriate thresholds.
From the Start Page, select the One-click Analysis button and pick the Process Networks tool
Analysis will consider enrichment in various annotated process networks.
It can be run on multiple experiments as well.
Clicking on a result leads to a page displaying data for the indicated Process Network.
Last updated