Search And Browse Content Tab

  • From the Start Page, select the Search and Browse Content link and pick the EZ search button

  • Click human FN1 from the results list

  • Results page is outlined according to category, available information includes pathway maps and interactions.

  • Under interactions page, compare the details for alpha2/beta1 binding and alpha5/beta1 binding.

Ontologies - Pathway Maps

  • From the Start Page, select the Search and Browse Content link and pick the Pathway Maps option.

  • This leads to a hierarchy of GeneGO pathway maps

  • Select Regulatory maps-->Regulation of cellular processes-->Cell adhesion-->Cell adhesion_Integrin inside-out signaling

  • NOTE: Data from activated experiments is displayed on the map.

  • The Overview tab describes details of the map and provides references.

  • The Processes tab lists significant GO processes in the map.

Ontologies - Process Networks

  • From the Start Page, select the Search and Browse Content link and pick the Process Networks option.

  • This leads to a hierarchy of GeneGO process networks

  • Select Process Networks-->Cell adhesion_ECM remodeling

  • NOTE: Data from activated experiments is displayed on the network.

  • The network is highly interactive.

Other - Protein Groups and Complexes

  • From the Start Page, select the Search and Browse Content link and pick the Protein Groups & Complexes tool.

  • The tool links to a page of table of results, select Integrin Receptor Family (Human)

Last updated