Neighbor Joining method in Phylip
To carry out phylogenetic analysis it is important to begin with an alignment in which all gap-containing positions have been removed.
This can be accomplished using the gap strip tool.
There is a bug in the process but the gap-free alignment can be loaded into clustalX, the the save sequences as "Phylip" format function can be used.
The correct alignment can be created with a text editor. Another version of it is in your clustal/phylip folder called tiny_nogap.phy
enter the phylip folder:
The first step to to create the bootstrap replicates. This is done with the phylip application seqboot.
when prompted, provide the name "tiny_nogap.phy".
At the interactive menu:
change option r to 10 for 10 replicates. NOTE: normally the number used is 1000 for neighbor
press Y to accept changes
enter 111 as random number seed.
Move outfile to tiny_nogap.seqboot
The next step is to calculate the distances between the sequences in each replicate. This is done with protdist
when prompted, provide the name "tiny_nogap.seqboot".
At the interactive menu:
change option m to d for datasets and 10 for number of replicates.
press Y to accept changes
Rename the outfile
Build the neighbor-joining tree for each distance matrix wth neighbor:
when prompted, provide the name "tiny_nogap.protdist".
At the interactive menu:
change option m to 10 for number of replicates.
enter 111 for random number seed
press Y to accept changes
Rename the output:
Create a consensus version of the outtree file with consense:
when prompted, provide the name "tiny_nogap.neightree".
At the interactive menu, default settings are ok so type "Y"
Rename the output:
Draw the tree with drawtree:
when prompted for a file enter tiny_nogap.neigh.constree
when prompted for a fontfile, enter:
At the interactive menu, select option V, then N to turn off preview. Then option Y
This results in a postscript plot of the tree. rename it to:
The contents of this file can be viewed with photo software like but it looks like this:
The bootstrap values can be viewed in the file tiny_nogap.neigh.constree. Or graphicall by opening this file with NJ-plot. With branch lengths selected, the view looks like this:
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