Account Creation
Overview of how to create your account and obtain SFTP credentials
Last updated
Overview of how to create your account and obtain SFTP credentials
Last updated
The metadata management system is separated into two websites. The SEEK and NExtSEEK websites. The two websites are closely linked, and both are used for slightly different things. Account creation along with project assignment is on the SEEK website, while all search and downloading of metadata will be on the NExtSEEK site.
Primarily, you will be using the NExtSEEK site to search metadata and identify the files that you are interested in downloading. You then will download those samples to obtain the SFTP paths that are needed to actually download the file. More information surrounding this will be on the Downloading Data page. Below is an overview of how to create accounts / obtain SFTP credentials.
Head to the SEEK website to request an account
There are two pages of registration, both are shown below.
Following account creation, you will receive and email with a link to validate your account. Please do so
Once a member of the BMC team approves your account, you will get another email with an SFTP username and password
These are going to be two sets of credentials.
You use your SEEK Username and Password for the SEEK/NExtSEEK websites (again primarily using the NExtSEEK website)
You will use your SFTP credentials to push and pull data files.