Uploading Data

Process of how to Upload Data Files

Uploading data is a two step process.

  1. Curate the relevant metadata surrounding data files that want to be shared (time consuming)

    • Example of relevant metadata: Patient ID, Tissue Name, Timepoint, Treatment of Tissue, DNA Library Prep, Type of Sequencing/Sequencer, etc.

    • Work with the Data Management Team (fairdata@mit.edu) to achieve this

    • Our goal is to avoid creating a data swamp where files are stored without additional annotation.

  2. Run the sftp command with your provided credentials to upload the data files to our system

    • Following submission, reach out to Charlie letting him know that data has been uploaded to staging

    • Once data has been depositing via sftp, and metadata has been uploaded to SEEK, it will be available for download (See Downloading Data page)

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