In our local installation of NExtSEEK, we've applied a paid theme called SmartAdmin that can be downloaded from here. Unzip the package into the subfolder themes/SmartAdmin.
Now, create a virtual environment to hold the Python packages that NExtSEEK uses to run.
The entirety of this section should be run as the apache user, unless otherwise specified.
NExtSEEK Configuration
You must configure NExtSEEK by changing the settings specified in dmac/ The following settings are the most important:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [u'']TIME_ZONE ='UTC'USE_TZ =TrueDEBUG =FalseDATABASES ={# DMAC database"default":{"ENGINE":"django.db.backends.mysql","NAME":"<DMAC database name>","USER":"<DMAC database user>","PASSWORD":"<DMAC database user password>","HOST":"<localhost unless DMAC database is on separate host>","PORT":"<delete this option unless DMAC database is on separate host>",}# SEEK database"seek":{"ENGINE":"django.db.backends.mysql","NAME":"<SEEK database name>","USER":"<SEEK database user>","PASSWORD":"<SEEK database user password>","HOST":"<localhost unless SEEK database is on separate host>","PORT":"<delete this option unless DMAC database is on separate host>",}}########## PATHS ########### URL prefix for static files.# Example: ""STATIC_URL ="/static/"# Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to.# Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files# in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS.# Example: "/home/media/"STATIC_ROOT ="/var/www/nextseek/static"# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a# trailing slash.# Examples: "", ""MEDIA_URL ="/media/"# Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files.# Example: "/home/media/"MEDIA_ROOT ="/var/www/nextseek/media"# refer to: If you set this to True, it will send new user an email with a verification link that they must click on, # in order to activate their account. In INSTALLED_APPS above, "mezzanine.accounts" must be active to make this work.ACCOUNTS_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED =True# Defaults to False and when set to True, sets newly created public user accounts to inactivate,# requiring activation by a staff member.ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_REQUIRED =True# Can contain a comma separated string of email addresses to send notification emails to# each time a new account is created and requires activation. ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_EMAILS ='your email address'SERVER_IPADDRESS ='<SERVER DOMAIN>'ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['<SERVER DOMAIN>']SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN ='<SERVER DOMAIN>'CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['<SERVER DOMAIN>']EMAIL_USE_TLS =TrueEMAIL_HOST ='your smtp server'EMAIL_HOST_USER ='your host email address'EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD ='your host password'EMAIL_PORT =587DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = SERVER_EMAIL ='your email address'# used in dmac/ for managing session and authentication of user login# SEEK_URL = "http://" + SERVER_IPADDRESS + ":3000"NEXTSEEK_DATABASE ="default"SEEK_HOSTNAME ="<SEEK HOSTNAME>"SEEK_URL ="https://"+ SEEK_HOSTNAMESEEK_DATABASE ="seek"SEEK_SERVER = SEEK_URLSEEK_JS_URL = SEEK_URLSEEK_DATAFILE_SERVER = SEEK_URLSEEK_DATAFILE_ROOT = MEDIA_ROOT +"/uploads/"SEEK_DATAFILE_ROOT_WEBLINK = MEDIA_URL +"uploads/"CRONJOBS = [ ('0 20 * * *', api_app.updateTrees.renewTreesCronjob)]PUBLISH_URL =""
Gunicorn Configuration
Change the settings in
bind =''workers =4# This should match the timeout set in the NGINX configurationtimeout =1200keepalive =2errorlog ='/net/bmc-pub10/data1/bmc/seek/nextseek-logs/nextseek.error.log'loglevel ='debug'accesslog ='/net/bmc-pub10/data1/bmc/seek/nextseek-logs/nextseek.access.log'# This should be set to the max to accomodate the GET request for deleting sampleslimit_request_line =8190
Once NExtSEEK has been properly configured, you'll need to go through some preliminary steps before starting the server. First, make sure that the directories you've set as STATIC_ROOT and MEDIA_ROOT exists. In this case, those will be /var/www/nextseek/static and /var/www/nextseek/media:
# Make sure you're using the Python# environment created abovecd/home/apache/nextseeksourcenextseek_venv/bin/activatepython3manage.pymakemigrationspython3manage.pymigrate
Now, have Django collect your static files to place them in the location you set in STATIC_ROOT, and have it generate a crontab for the cron jobs set in dmac/
Create the file with those contents, then reload the systemd daemon so that it can see the new service file.
# As root / with sudo:systemctldaemon-reload
Restart server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlrestartnextseek
Stop server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlstopnextseek
Start server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlstartnextseek
Apache Web Server
The entirety of this section should be run as the service-account user, or any user account with sudo access, unless otherwise specified.
Gunicorn does not serve static or media files; it only runs the Django app. Static / media files should be served by a production-grade web server, such as Nginx or Apache. The Apache web server has two functions: redirecting requests to your server's hostname to the internal Gunicorn server, and serving the static files stored in the STATIC_ROOT directory you set in dmac/
Create the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/nextseek.conf with the following contents:
<VirtualHost *:80>
# Proxy requests to the internal
# Gunicorn server at port 8000
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / Keepalive=On timeout=1200
ProxyPassReverse /
# Do not proxy requests to
# to the Gunicorn server since it doesn't
# handle serving those files. Same for media files.
# Any requests to static or media URLs
# should instead be an alias to the files located at
# Give apache permissions to access the static and media files
Options FollowSymLinks
Require all granted
Options +Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory <MEDIA_ROOT VALUE>>
Options FollowSymLinks
Require all granted
Options +Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
This configuration file is made for serving over HTTP. To serve the site with SSL encryption over HTTPS, the easiest method is to use Certbot. Install Certbot by following the instructions on the Certbot website.
Once you've installed Certbot, run the following to have it create a certificate for the SEEK website. Answer the queries to the best of your abilities.
Certbot will automatically create the httpd configuration file for serving SEEK over HTTPS. Now, you can enable and start the httpd server, then open the firewall to accept HTTP and HTTPS connections.
Restart server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlrestarthttpd
Stop server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlstophttpd
Start server
# As root / with sudo:$systemctlstarthttpd
Once the server has been started, visit https://your_domain/ and NExtSEEK should be available.